Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

Plrctotto f atttj. the true believer looks for that glory only in the Sanctuary of Divine I nilitutions,there and there only God records his Name, and commands the bleffing,even life for evermore. Moreover the be- liever as to mercies and comforts would not be an expeEtant above what is written.'Tis faid of Mofes that he died according to the word of the Lord, Deut.3 8.5. or (as the Original may be read). he died upon the mouth of the Lord; the believer loves to live and dye uponGods mouth in the protnifes , there watching for the fweet words ofgrace dropping from him : he walks among the Promifes, as the Phytitian among his herbs,and by a divine inCtint knows this is good for fuch a condition, and that for another ; and when he comes to that promife,I will be thyGod, he faith,this is the univerfal Medicine, and good for all thitgs,as infinite a fea as Gods grace is, as vaft a treafure asChrifts merits,the believer can- not tell how to climb up to thefe,unlefs he have fomewhat of a promife to fet his faith upon ; if there be but an half- promife,faith will afcend up by it : when God faith, feekrighteoufnefl, feek meekneß,it may be you ,(hail be hid in the day of the Lords anger,Zeph.2.3.faith will hang upon a may be, but where there is nothing at all of a pro - mife,faith does"not,cannot tell how to approach for the unpromifed thing. The Perfetionitts fay, that fìnlefs perfeHion is attainable in this life;47ofeph is yet alive,perfedion of life,figured by 7c f ph, may be found, fo thinks. a Learned Dollar, Myyoke is ea f e, faid Chriti, and from thence Bellarmine concludes, Legem Dei pofbi= leas I2;