- Ple UMW . Aití}. faith bath fome joys in the things of God,but precious faith bath the fame in a more excellent way ; the former is but a flafh and away,a flow- er without a root,the Gofpel is not radicated in him,but lies as it were upon the furface of his heart : Jefus Chrift is not entirely received by him, but by parcels only;hence a little form of perfecution blows off all the bloffoms of his joy, but the latter is a thing of a higher excellency and permanency. In the true believer the Go- fpel is intimately rooted,and Chrifl impartially received,even crofs and all : Hence fuck an one can joy in tribulations,and under oflielions wait for confolations. Miraculous faith can work wonders,and fo can precious too:the firft works wonders in the body of nature,by a touch upon Almighty power, and the fecond works won- ders in the fouls of men, by a touch upon Al- mighty grace. A grain of this can remove fpiri- tuai mountains,mountains of guiltinefs off from the Confcience, mountains of hardnefs off from the Will, and mountains of earthinefs off from the Affections : outward miracles in the Chur- ches infancy followed believers for a while, Mark r6. 17. but inward miracles are ever found in them ; and no wonder, for the exceed- ing greatnefiof Gods power is unto them that be- lieve, Epb. r.19. Secondly, This precious faith doth compleat the noblefr inftina in man ; I paean, that natu- ral pulfe which he hath after happinefs. All men would be happy, but none ever hit upon it till faith carne. The Pagans by natural light E z have