Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

746 iCaOu s , altb. given. Here the conclufion, which imports affurance in it, Rands upon two propofitions; the Major is meerly grounded upon the word, but the Minor flands upon fpiritual fenfe and experience, caufed by the holy fpirit ir- radiating the foul in its reflections upon its own elate ; therefore affurance which is comprized in the conclution, doth not nand fo meerly upon the word as faith doth : Thus the Learned Pemble, fpeaking of that Syllogifm, faith, the major is of faith, the mi- nor of fenfe and experience. And the con- clufion of both, but ,chiefly of faith, as it fol- lows on the premifes by infallible argumen- tation ; and partly of fenfe, as it is founded on the inward experience of Gods grace work- ing upon our fouls. What the dotrine of Faith is, is to be fought in Bibles, but whe- ther there be a particular as of faith or not, coy. xom. fuch as is comprized in the minor, muff be 8. ` °p' looked for in the heart. Fides non creditor, Jèd habetur & féntitur in corde, faith Lear- ned Pareus, Faith is not believed, but had and felt in the heart. Atlas reflexives in ipfam ftdem quo credo me credere, non eft ipfa fi- Loc.eom. des, fed potixs fenfus fidei , faith Maccovius, 639' The reflexive att, whereby I know that I be- lieve, is not properly faith, but the fenfe of it. But you will fay, if the minor (lands upon fenfe and experience, how can the concluti- on, which imports affurance , be de fide ? " And Bellarmine argues thus. Nothing can /'3' " be certain with a certainty of faith, unlefs .8 GG it