Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

pgCÍOIto JrAÍtÌJ 149 of a living Jofeph, and put himfelf upon the chariots fent for him , it was nothing but meer belief, but when he faw ION face, his eyes were witneffes of the thing : when a man that zvalketh in darkne(I and feetb no light will yet hang on the report of a Jefus, and put himfelf upon the chariot of the promifes, it is nothing elfe but pure faith ; but when he comes to fee the light of Gods face, and in it a piece of the heavenly vifion, it is not all faith, but faith and fight toge- ther. Thus far of the fecond propofition , that faith is Iefs then affurance : In which phrafe I intend not a comparifon between them in point of dignity, but only that pretious faith, fuch as is the condition of the Gofpel , may really be where the garland of affurance is not fuper- added ; as a King is really a King before his Coronation , fo faith is really faith before it be crowned with the fenfe of Gods love. Thefe two propofitions made good , I come at last to gather up my firfl reafon : Faith is more then a naked affent to the Go- fpel, and lets then an affurance of love and pardon from God ; therefore it muff needs be force middle thing between both, fuch as ref ig- nation is. Let us put another pradical Syl- logifin ; Whofoever believed', (hall be faved. But I believe. Ergo, I fhall be faved. L3 th°