I 54 Plectou0 attí. him to bear, and he throws off all upon God, who is able to pardon and fupply him: In the Old Teftament we have it called a trasfting in God, and in the New a believing in Chrift ; a believer is not , as Adam, his own truftee, he hath not his eftate in his own hands, but all in a way of dependance upon God. Moreover, it is called a giving ones felf unto the Lord, 2 Cor. 8.5. a refigning up the . property a man bath in himfelf, that Chri l may be all in all : A believer as to his being is not a man in himfelf, but a man in Chrift ; as to his living, it it not he that lived), but Chri(t in him ; and as to his work- ing , it 14 not he that labours , but the grace of God with him ; and to name but one more, it is a re/ling on God 2 Chron. 14. I I. a believer is not at refs in himfelf, or the creature , but under perpetual toflings and fluctuations till he come to lay himfelf ftedfattly upon God , as the Center of fouls , and Sabbath of eternal refl. Fourthly, That faith f ands in refignation , may appear from the obftacles of faith. Look what of fin is an ohftacle to refignation , is allo an obftacle to faith , and what of fin may conlifi with refignation, may alto con- fill with faith. For the clear underfanding whereof, I mull firll premife fome diftin9i- ons ; there is original fin and actual, there is ahual fin known and unknown , there is actual fin of meer infirmity and incur-lion , and