Ipgeciouo. faftb. faith our Saviour , joh. 5.44. their darling vain-glory made their believing impofüble After the fame manner all lawful things,when once they are fet up as Idols in the heart, and the love and the joy dance before them, are obíiacles to faith ; thus we find, They would not come to the marriage (upper of the Gof7iel ; and why? their darling farms and merchan dife kept them away, Math.22.5. 1-Lec vincu- la, he catene vie carnales conftringunt thefe are the bonds and the chains which keep men from refignation, and the more dangerously, becaufe they lie invifible and hid among the fluff of our lawful things. Chriff and earthly things ( faith a Great Divine) come often in competition ; in every unjuff gain, Chri(f and a bribe ; in every oath, Chriff and a blafJhemy ; in every sinful fashion, Chriff and a rag or ex- crement ; in every piece of vain -glory Chrii and a blauf ; in every intemperance, Chri(f and a vomit whatever the thing be in it fell, lawful or finful, as foon as it becomes the Idol of the heart , it proves an obftacle to faith. Thirdly, All known at/ual fins are not abfo- lute barrs to refignation, and fo not to faith : there are peccata quotidiane incur (ionis, tins of meer infirmity, fuch as are not the proper formal iffues of deliberation , but the inevi- table effluviums of humane frailty ; thefe may be in a man, and may be known to be in him, and yet through grace he may refign, not - withftanding thefe black moats flying round about