Plectouo . äítí?. Jlimony of God in the facred Scriptures, as irk a way of trait or dependance to refign andyield up it f if unto Jefrs Chrift as Mediator, and in, and through him unto God, according to his word. In general, it is a grace of the holy Spirit : in fpe- cial, there is in it, firft afupernatural illumina- tion, which is as the womb of the morning, in which this child of light is conceived, and then (which is the .firft -born of that light) there is a belief of the teJtimony of God: and lafily (which makes up the total firm of this grace) there is a dependant yielding or refignation of the foul unto the Mediator, and through him to God, according to the word. I ihall in order treat of all thefe, and fo unfold the defcription at large. The firft thing is, in generali faith is a grace of the holy Spirit. The famous Sr. Auftin once let drop a firange word : It is faid (faith he) God worketh all in all, but not, he believeth all in al' ; therefore, that we believe, is our own but that we work good, it is Gods, who giveth the holy Spirit to believers ; but the good man foon 4uj. Re_ called it back again, Profe&'o non dicerem, truly Ira-J.44 I Jhould not have faid it, if I had then known rc.23. faith to be the gift of God. The Pelagian of old underfiood by grace only, their own free- will, and the Gofpel- doEtrine ; hence that im- pious fàying of theirs refuted by St. Auftin, à Deo habemus, quod homines litmus, à nobis ip- fs, quod jufti fumus : faith with them was but the ifhue of their own free -will, and it is no o- ther with the Socinians.Peccatum originis (faith the RacovianCatechilrn)nul+'u a prorfas elt,gaeare ,nec