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pl¢tíougi fat* CHAP VI. ,Precious Faith confidered in the fruits and glorious progreffes of it; and here firfl , of the Divine Sagacities of Faith. r- H U S far I have treated of Pretious Faith, in its firfi and loweft meafure, as it is the condition ofthe Gofpel, conlifting of fupernatural illumination, a belief of the Di- vine Teliimony, and a dependant refignation to the terms of the Gofpel. Now I come to confider the fruits and glorious progreffer of faith. Faith is like Rebecca, the Mother of thoufands. That blefbng of Abraham, in bleffing I will Mil thee and in multiplying I will multiply thee, falls down upon all the feed of believers; their faith is bleffed with a fair progeny of graces and comforts , only thefe are not born all at once, for though adopti- on and juftification immediately enfue upon faith, comforts and ftatures of graces do not do fo, but come forth into being gradually, in fome fooner, in Tome later, as grace is actu- ated and as God is pleafed to difpenfe them : wherefore what I [hall lay down touching the fruits of faith, I intend not as univerffl- ly applicable to all believers at the very fir ft, 169