1 S o ectOüo fait!). withall the believer knows , that the AlI- wife God can wrap up Satan in his own nets, and countermine him in every plot, he can awaken us out of the fnare , and make us fee the methods and fubtile poflures of the devil, how he would charm us into pre - fumption, or roar us into defpair; how he Hands at our right hand in holy duties, and at our left in earthly employments ; what a murderer he is in ftiflirig holy motions , and what a lyar in his falfe joyes and promifes : Thus the believer knows more of Satan and his hellifh depths then others do. As to things paji, the believer .hath a holy fagacity to make a good improvement of them , which is moll evident in his appro- priating Scripture- hiftories to himfelf, in fuch or fuch a Hate (faith he) God dealt fo or fo in a way of mercy or jufiice , and if I come into that Hate , I (hall have the fame mea- fure, becaufe God is ever the fame, and his rríercy and juflicc have the fame afpeas to- wards men as heretofore ; the believer ap- propriates good flates and good confequents: fee in what way the goodnefs of God fol- lowed fuch a man, in the very fame way will it be with me, faith faith ; if I can ftrive and wreille with God in prayer , I am in 7a- cobs fiate, and íhall be a prince with Cod; the efecual fervent prayer of the righteous matt availeth much, lames 5. 16. if I am in lojhuaes flate, fighting againit lulls the true Ca-