Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

I cctouil gait *. 3 9 r waits for the touches of the fpirit. Moral virtues, like the fabled cymbal of St. Teli- an may feem to ring alone by their own felf -power and felf- confidence , but fpiritual graces, like Davids harp , muft be awakened by divine influences ; as it was in Chrifi on earth, the Humanity alwayes minifired to the Divinity , fo it is with the believer, fo far as his faith aós , all his faculties and graces are but as it were fo many gardens, aery rooms, and working- houfes for the holy fpirit to walk , breath, and work its pleafure in. Hence the believer is faid in Scripture to walk in the fpirit pray in the Jfririt,, live in the pirit, doing all under the condua thereof : after force fuch fort as this doth the believer work out his falvation with fear and trembling, in a way of humi- lity and holy dependance upon God , who worketh to will and to do of his own good pleafure. We have an eminent inflame of this in holy David, fee how he hangs ,upon God in the I1p Pfal. thou haft commanded tu to keep thy precepts, but 0 that my wayes were dire!ed to do fo, ver. q , 5. I will keep thy flatutes , but 0 ferfake me not utterly , ver. 8. with my whole heart have I fought thee, but 0 let me not wander from thy com- mandements, ver. i o. I will run the way of thy commandements but do thou enlarge my heart, ver. 32. I love thy precepts, but quicken me O Lord according to thy loving kindneg, ver. 159. I have chofen thy precepts, O let thine hand