92 pleciaugi fan. hand help me, ver. 173. how working is Da- vid, and how depending ? how fweetly do mans obedience and Gods influence accord together ? this a believer pra tically un- derftands and none but he : whileft others labour to fathome it by fpeculation , the myttery is too deep for them, but the belie- ver bath it practically and in experience every day. As to f»ritual extractions the believer is very fagacious. Chymifts by racking and torturing of nature, have forced her to a con - feliìon of many ferrets and choice myfteries, which made Paracelfus fo triumph over Galen, vaunting proudly , that the lealt hair of his head had more learning then all the Vniver- fities befides. The believer is the belt of Chymifis, no extra &ions are like thole of faith, he extraas heaven out of earth , could a man extrae gold out of bate metals , it would be but earth out of earth , purer out of groífer; but the believer extraes hea- ven out of earth. As Jacob faw more then nicer EJau he faw Gods face in Efaus, fo the believer fees more then the meer crea- ture- comfort, he fees the goodnefs of God in it , which is the fweetnefs of all. Carnal men are content with the bulk and grofs matter of an earthly blelfing, but the belie- ver draws out the fpirits and quintefcence thereof ; that is , the love of God without which oil and wine and corn, and all other earthly things are but a caput mortuum, a piece