Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

eC(OtWW ,lath}. 19/ piece of drofs and dead matter in his eyes earthly things are tranfient and perifhing in themfelves, but he hath an art to melt them down by charity into a fixed condition, though he cannot fay, his houle, yet he can, his charity (hall continue for ever. Silver and gold will not go in Thecie, in the upper world, but he knows how by the poor, which are Chrifts bankers, to return them thither for everlafling habitations, given in exchange by free -grace. Again, he extraEîs good out of evil. Car- nal men fee nothing in a(lli6tion but a lump of forrow , but the believer knows that there is a bleiiing in it , the fnarpnefs of it may let out his corruption the fuddennefs of it may alarum his fpiritual watch , the bitternefs of it may wean him from the breaft of the creature , the weight of it may try the back of his faith and patience ; it is no longer meer trouble , but made out into fans to unchaff him of his vanity, into fur- naces to refine his golden graces , into moulds to calrt hìm into the image of a meek fi;ffering Chrift, into fpiritual wings to ele- vate the foul in devotions and heavenly af- feEfions towards the everlafling reit which is above : much of the love and faithfulrefs of God is to be feen in it, which made Mun- Jter lick of the peflilence , to {hew the ul- cers and plague - tokens on his arm ut armil- las precicfàs Chrifli geminas , a the brace- lets and rich jewels of Chrif%; fuch noble ex- O traaions