Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

194 plecioUo 5attb tra 9 ions can faith make out of fore affliE{i- ons, as if they were the only love- tokens to Peal up a fon of God ;according to that old fay - ing,Stui excipitur à numero flagellatorum,excipi- tur.à numero filiorum. Again , he extratis firength out of weal nef. Satans (hocks and the fluxes of in- ward corruption may make him weak and ready to perifb, but his faith tells him that the power of God, which can do all things, is perfelied in weahneft, and the weaknefs of tnan under which he groans, is a capaci- ty for that power to Phew forth it fell in ; when our power is gone, there is room for Gods, when there is no might, he increa- feth ftrength, as it was in Chriff, the weak - nefs , the humane flefh was anointed with thé divinity fo it is in the believer, the weaknefs, the humane frailty is anointed with the power of grace ; when he is weak in himfelf, then he is ftrong in God ; when weak in the flefn, then thong in the fpirit. The Pfalmift hath fome Pfalms upon Ma- chalath that is , upon inftruments Mufical, fay fome, but upon infirmity, fay others ; the believer is able to glory and make Mulìck over his weaknefï'es, becaufe his faith can fetch down the power of God upon him , wait on the Lord and he 'hall (trengthen thine heart, Pfal.27. 14. as faith goes up,fo power comes down ; hence the believer out of weak- net? is made ffrong, as the Apoftle exprefies it, Reba 1.34 Again,