Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

pletioitoßlt1j. Again, he extral3s grace out of unxvorthir. nef?, well knowing that the way of grace is to move it felf into ad from our un- ivorthinefs ; a notable inilance whereof we have, Hof.2.13, 14. the went after her lovers, and forgate me, faith the Lord, therefore be- hold, I will allure her, and bring her into the xvilderneß, and deal ,comfortably unto her ; as if he had Paid , the is idolatrous , there- fore behold, I will be gracious. Oh what a flupendious therefore is here ? defervedly is it followed with a behold, a note of admi- ration : So wonderful it is, that Tome Learn- ed men among the Papifts, not underfland- ing how filch a connection could poffibly be, have thought that it referrs not to that which immediately went before, but to Come precedent words about the beginning of the Chapter ; a parallel place to this we have, Ifa. 57. x7, 18. he went on frowardly in the way of his heart, I have feen his wayes and will heal him. Oh ! what firange grace is here ? one would have thought he would have laid, he went on frowardly, I have teen his wayes, and will damn him, but it is, I have feen his wayes, and will heal him.. Some Jewifh Commentators glofs it thus, I have teen his repenting wayes and will heal him. I fuppofe not underflanding how grace fhould immediately follow upon perverfnefs but the believer knows that this is the method of grace, and 'therefore by an holy art pret les for it even from his own unworthinefs. 0 2 . Our 195