Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

196 plcctou0 ,J attb. Our Saviour Chrift calls the Canaanitifh woman, crying out for mercy, no better then dog, Math.' 5.26. a word of reproach, fuch as the proud Jews put on all the Gentiles , fuch as made the Saracens revolt from the Empereur Heraclius his army, and fet up for .themfelves, under their Captain Mahomet; but fee how admirably her faith gathers up- on him, and even from that word preffes for mercy , truth Lord , yet the dogs eat of the crumbs that fall from their Mailers table, ver. -27. ipfum Dominum in verbis capit, fhe takes the Lord in his own words, faith Feru , pro- ving her tide to the crumbs from her be- ing a dog : Holy David prayes , 0 Lord, pardon mine iniquity, for it is great, Pfal. 2 5. t r. a ftrange argument for pardon , for it is great, fuch as nd malefaitor would ufe to an earthly Prince, but the holy man knows that it will pats with God, who loves to make grace fuperabound there,where fin hath aboun- ded. Again, he extraeis hope out of defjair. When he is ready to faint and fwoon away in cold tits of fpiritual deadnefs, faith revives and points him to the fountain of life , which runs over in quickning graces upon the whole Church ; and if he fcruple his ac- cefs to that fountain faith tells him, that theWell is open to all comers, wh; f ever will may take of the water of life freely, whofoe- ver hath the bucket of faith may draw out of it; and if he yet reply, true, whofoever will