Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

12z0ou0 will may do fo , but oh ! I want a will, I want an heart for God and Chrift and hea- venly things, faith is able, if awakened,both to tell him , that thefe are living groans and withall to drop fome Scripture cordial into his heart, fuch as that is Prov.g.where Chrifi, the wifdom of God,builds his boufe, the Church kills his bea /fs, mingles his wine, furni(hes his table, that is, provides all hea- venly blefïings, fends out his virgins, his ho- ly minifters, and after all invites the (imple, and him that wanteth under(landing, to eat, of his bread and drink, of his wine, in the Original it is, him that wanteth heart. Oh ! if thou fenfibly wanteft an heart for fpiri- tual things, here thou art particularly called to the Gofpel feaft, where Chrifir fief,' is meat indeed,and his blood wine indeed, able to make thee live for ever. Again, he extraiis joy out of forrow. The Apoffle Paul rejoyced over the godly forrow of the Corinthians, becaufe they received no damage in it, 2 Cor. 7. g. when faith looks over all the tears and groans of the believer, it faith there is no damage in thefe thefe tears are bottled in heaven, the holy fpirit breaths in thofe groans, he that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious feed , fhall doubtlefs come again with rejoycing, bring- ing his (heaves with him, Pfal.126.6. Oh ! faith faith , obferve the word, doubtlefs tears and forrows in a godly fort are a 0 3 fare I 97