198 CCíßll , altb fure fgn that the harveft of joy and com- fort is nigh at hand, one may fee the crop in, the feed fown. When the Emperor Juli- an banifhed A thanafius , he Paid , Nubecula eft, & cit o tranfibit it is but a little cloud, and will foon be over ; when the night of darknefs and difcomfort is upon the foul, faith is able to fay, 'tis but a fhort night of furrow, joyes come in the morning, Pfal. 30.5. and for that morning, I will truft the fun of righteoufnefs , O how foon can he make it day in the foul. Moreover, he extraels wifdome out of fol- ly. There is not, there cannot be any thing in all the world fo foolifh as fin , and yet out of this he picks up wifdom , hereby he comes to know more of his own heart. There is a Mahometan fable, that the heart of 11ahomet being a child , was cut open, and a black grain, called the devils portion, taken out of the midit thereof. A believers fins make rents and holes in his heart, and through thefe the inward core and black - nefs thereof becomes vifìble. Good kieze- kiah by his fall comes to know what was in- his heart. Teter denying his Maher , comes to underhand the defperate deceitful - nefs of his own heart, which cheated him againft his own r.efolutions , into fo horrible an iniquity every a fual fin is to the belie- ver a fad Commentary on his inward cor- auption. Again, hereby he comes to under - hand