Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

Ipzeciauo 199 'land free -grace better then before, that God fhould melt 4¡ man hardens , heal as man falls and bruires himfelf afrefh , drop par- dons as man doth fins, return the holy fpi- rit as man grieves it away, lengthen out pa- tience as man abides it, ufe lavers as fait as man runs into pollutions , evidently argues riches of immenfe fuperabounding grace to- wards (inners. Moreover, hereby he comes to know the neceflity of a continual depen- dance on God , confidering the heats and colds of his heart, the ups and downs of his life, and the interchangeable aéings of flefti and fpirit, he plainly perceives that he falls of bimfelf and (lands from God dies of bis own #irit , and lives from Gpds , fins of his own and repents, believes, obeyer , of meer grace, and fo underftands the neceffity of de- pending on God , praying continually with the devout Pfalmift , Ïiold up my go- ings in thy paths , that my footfteps flip not. Pfal. z 7.5. Laftly, to name no morç, he extPa is all out of nothing. Thus the Apottle, as having nothing, and jet poffeffing all things, 2 Cor. 6. ro. all things in God, who is all in all. Zuichemus gave Erafmus a ring , which , when it was unfolded, reprefented a mundane fphear , with Aftrological notes engraven upon it , telling him withall , that now he might wear the whole world on his finger : the conjugal ring, whereby the foul is mar - 0 4 ricd