Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

Zoo nectouo jtítlp. ried to God in Chrift by faith, hath this po= fie, I will be thy God, whirl, if it be un- folded is a fphear of all things ; the be liever need not ask with Peter , what Pall we have ? Math. r 9. 27. for he bath all in God. It is ftoried of the Laudanum of Pa- racelfus, that it was almofé good in all cafes ; but however that might fail , faith well underftands that all things may be made uut of an interefi in God the univerfal good ; hence it can rationally part with all for him, becaufe it knows , that there be fathers and mothers , and brothers and fi(fers , and chil- dren, and houfes, and lands, and infinitely more in God. CHAD.