119gcíouo fAitb. C H A P. VIL 201 Of the fecond holy fruit of Faith in 7u- flation, its growth upon Faith u a fruit thereof; with the manner, con - tinuance, perfection , and various ex- cellencies of the fame. THUS much for the firfi fruit of faith , _ being the fpiritual fagacities thereof ; whereby it appears, that the believer is the only wife man, who bath eyes in his head, whileft all the refl of the world , be they what they will in notional knowledge, walk on in darknefs. The fecond holy fruit of faith is Jujtifica Pion, which is a very great biding, fo great that in Luthers phrafe it is articulus f}antis cadentis Ecclefie ; and in Chemnitius, arx er propugnaculum religionis Chriftiane, a blelling that is pregnant with many more ; which occafioned a good Divine to fay , fin committed is every judgment radically , and pardon of fin is every mercy radically you may cut out any billing or comfort out of it ; particular mercies are but pardon of íÿí fpecificated and individuated , brought in- to this or that mercy ; of all bleffings you may fay, this is pardon of fin, and that is par-