202 1 /eeíauto 5aítb. pardon of fin. Touching this precious fruit of faith I [hail endeavour to fhew thefe things. Firft, That it grows upon faith as a fruit. Secondly, The manner how it grows there. Thirdly, The continuance of it. Fourthly, Theperfeilïon of it. Fifthly, The various excellencies of it. Firff, This holy fruit grows upon faith ; in the very inflant of believing a man is juflified before God. The Antinomians indeed makes as if it came forth much fooner , even as earl ly as eternity it felt, as if it were an im- manent eternal as in God. But the error of this opinion may be eafily made appear : For, Firfi An immanent of abides in God , and doth not, as the tranfient , make any change at all in the creature ; but in juflif: cation there is a great change made in man, though not a Phyfical one , fuch as is made in. fanóification , yet as moral and a relative one : the fins which before cried at heaven gates for vengeance , are now caf l into the depths of the fea ; the foul, which was at the brink of hell, is now in the fuburbs of hea- ven ; the pure beams of grace breaking forth upon it, the prifan garments of guilt are changed , and the righteourne(s' of God is upon the believer, the blood -of the Lamb is upon his confcience , and the damning de- ílroying Law gaffes over him. Again, an imma-