V 2Cctou Sato.' immanent aft in God is the fame with Gods of fence , and not as the tranfient , the fame with the effe6 produced. Gods willing is but the divine effence, with an habitude to fuch an obje& ; his decrees are himfelf decree- ing, otherwife the fimplicity of his nature would be overthrown : fuch an immanent as is the decree of junification, but juilitìcati- on it felf is an effea in time, elfe Gods ju- dicial adt may be exercifed about a non-ex- filing creature, a non ens may be ¡unified, a man that is not may be made righteous, fin may be remitted before it is committed, abfolution may anticipate guilt, and righte- oufnefs Law , all which are things hard to be fwallowed. If any thing in juftification look like an immanent ad, it is either Gods complacential love , or the imputation of righteoufnefs ; but that neither of thefe are fuch, is clear in Scripture, which expreffes the fame as things future , he that loved me /hall be loved of my father, faith our Saviour, Job. 14.2 I. righteoufnefs (hall be imputed to us if we believe , Rom. 4. 24. a (hall be cannot be put upon an immanent a , futurity cannot be found in eterni- ty. Secondly, If ¡unification were an immanent eternal aci, what means a Mediator ? God and man were at one before ; would the Lord of all be made under his own Law, to bring in righteoufnefs into an already righteous world ? would he filed his precious blood on 2