204' neciouo fait». a crofs to purge away fins eternally forgi-. ven ? was his fweet-fmelling facrifice to atone a reconciled God ? did he pay down fo great a fum of merits to purchafe a freedom for fuch as were free -born long before ? doth he Dill intercede with God to fave thofe from wrath , who before were fecure from it by an eternal juftification ? this opinion feems to make void the. whole fatisfahion of Jefus Chrift what the Apoftle Paid of the Law , if righteoufnefi come by the Law, then Chrift is dead in vain, Gal. 2. 2 r. the fame may be Paid here, if righteoufnefs come any other way then by the death of Chrifi, if it come by an immanent eternal aet, then Chriff is dead in vain. Thirdly, No man can be at once in twp contrary fates, in a Date of wrath, and in `a Date of love too : every man, while!' an un- bel ver, is in a Date of wrath,, the wrath of God abides on him, lob. 3. 56. God is angry with him every day, Pfal.7. r i. and whileft he is in a Date of wrath , he cannot be in a Date of love. 7ofèph, whileft he was in prifon in his old cloaths, was not in change of rai- ment in Pharaohs Court. St. Paul, reckon- ing up a black Catalogue of lins , barring men from inheriting the kingdom of God, faith of the unconverted Corinthians fuch were Tome of you, I Cor. 6.1 r. as yet they were in the chains of fin and wrath, and im- mediately after fpeaking of them as convert - ed, he faith, but ye are fanEl,ìed, but ye are .ufli`