DJettotlo Satti). 205 jufíified in the name of the Lord Jefus, and by the #irit of our God; then the prifoners were become favourites in the Court of heaven , and flood in their robes of grace and righ- teoufnefs : then and not before, as evident- ly appears by the words, were and are, rela- ting to two diftinft Rates in two diftind times, they were not , could not be in both flares at once, but if ¡unification be eternal, a man may be at once in contrary tiates, as an unbeliever he may be under wrath, and yet as a ¡unified one under love. I know a man- under wrath may be under a love of benevolence , which is the purpofe of God to bellow grace and glory, but he can- not at the fame time be under a love of com- placence which is direóly contrary to a flate of wrath , neverthelefs eternal juftifi- cation makes a man capable of both at once. Fourthly, Juftification and fan6ification are infeparable companions, no more to be fun- dred then the merits and fpirit of Chrift which are the refpeóive caufes thereof: where grace pardons, there it heals , where Chrift is made righteoufnefs, there he is made fanÌi- fication, for he cannot be divided and taken by piece-meal, but if ¡unification be an eter- nal ad then thefe twins of grace may be parted , an unconverted man may be ¡uni- fied, becaufe that is from eternity, and with- all unfandifìed , becaufe unconverted ; in which cafe he mull needs be in a lirange potiure