Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

206 .119gctotto 5aíttj. pofure, at once under two contrary reigns of grace and fin; partly in Chrill, as juftifi- cd by his blood, and partly out of Chrift, as void of his fpirit ; the light of Gods counte- nance chines upon him, and yet within he wears the image of Satan, a bleed one he muff needs be, becaufe his iniquity is firgiven, and an anathema too, becaufe no, lover of Jefus Chrif , he is a juftified and accepted man , and yet a man in his fins, all which abfurd confequences are unavoidable, if jufification be an eternal aì. Thus much may fuffice to difcover the er- ror of this opinion, only there are two u,eres which mutt be anfwered. Firft, The firft *,ere is this, If jufificati- on be not an eternal immanent all , \is not there a change in God ? God difplicentially hates all the workers of iniquity, and fuch are all men before converlion; if therefore before converlion he hate , and after it he love them, is there not a change in him? I anfwer, no, there is none. God , fuch is his infinite fanity, cannot but complacential- ly love righteoufnefs, and difplicentially hate iniquity love and hatred are not in God, as fin and righteoufnefs are in man, in man fin and righteoufnefs fucceed one the other, but in God love and hatred are eternal and fi- multaneous ; the change therefore, which is where the fucceflion is, and not where the e- terual famenefs is, is in man only, and not in God ; the man, who was in a Rate of fin, and