PjecfOL W fattti, there is fentextia judicii crowning us as righ. teous , the 9,1 ere then being touching con- flitutive ¡unification in this life, I conceive with worthy Mr. Baxter, that God jultifies a believer by the moral agency of the Go#el, by which as by his Grand Charter and Lazy of grace, be doth make over Chrifi and his righ- teoufnef to the believer neither need this feem firange, every humane inffrument doth, moraliter agere. A Princes pardon conveys an impunity, a Charter an eftate , a Law a title or right, a Teffament a Legacy , and shall not the Gofpel do as much to believers ? God doth conffitutivé juffifie the believer by making him righteous, and makes him righ, teous by making over to him the righte- oufnefs of Chriff, and that he makes over by the Gofpel, which is his Pardon, Charter, Law and Teffament of grace, conveying the fame upon believing : no fooner doth a man believe, but the conditional promife becomes abfolute. As the old Covenant running, do this and live, would have ¡unified upon per- fed obedience , fo the New running, believe and be Paved, doth juffitie upon believing, as man finning is condemned by the Law of works, fo man believing is ¡unified by the Law of grace. Hence the Gofpel is called, the miniffration of righteoufnefs as the Law is of condemnation, 2 Cor.3.9. the power of God to falvation to the believer, Rom. i. 16. quia nos per Evangelium julfificat Deus , becaufe God juftifies us by the Gofpel, as IZeverenci Calvin