Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

cctauo fattb. Calvin hash it on the i7th. verfe, Virga virtu- tis, A rod of Ttrength, Pfal: i I0.2. that is , in the Jútlification of men , faith the excellent Dr. Reynolds ; and the law of the (fiirit of life in Chrifl 7efitis making us free from the law of fin and death ; as many Divines interpret that place, Rom. 8.2. Upon which Pareos do,th obferve , Liberatio à condemnatione legs, Deo, Chrito, Evangelio tribuitur Deo ut Authori, Chrifto ut Mediatori, Evangelic ut Organo Freedom from the condemnation of the Law is attributed to God as the Author , to Chrift as the Mediatour to the Goffrel as the 1njtrument. God makes over Chrift and his righteoufnefs unto the Believer by the Gofpel , as by his Charter and Law of grace. This is the tran- fient aft, by which God doth juftifie us in this life. Having thus removed the Antinomian Error out of the way, I (hall refume my úrft Propofition, That Juftification is an holy fruit growing upon Faith ; in the very inftant of believing a man is juftified ; this Both` ap- pear feveral waies. Firfí, In Juftification there muff be a mat- ter or foundation ; a Righteoufnefs, and a perfeet one , fuch as anfwers the law which man is under. The Law demands of us two things ; perfetl Obedience, due from us as ra- tional Creatures , and penal Suffering, due from us as finful Creatures. The firft Gods holinefs preffes for in the Command , and the laa Gods Juftice calls for in the Threatning. P The 209