Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

2 I o 1 ccf ougi 5aftfj. The Believer , who bath nothing in himfelf hath enough in Chrift to anfwer both. Chriff fulfilled all the righteoufnefs of the ,Com- mand, and fo fatisfied Gods Holinefs. Chrift bore the curfe of the Threatning, and fo fa- tisfied Gods Juftice. Hence he is the end of the Lam to the Believer, Rom. i o. 4. as if the Apofile had faid , Whatever the Law can ask, the total fum of it is in Chriff, and from him redounding upon the Believer as a mem- ber of his body. It was a lamentable moan which Joanne! Seneca made upon his Death - dam.in vi- bed ; In vita noftra habuimus (faid he) qui yurc- pro nobú chorum frequentarent qui pro nobs cenful agros colerent qui pro nobú D'lif as celebrarent Germano- horas canonical orarent ; fed ubi nunc unum rst:na reperiemus, qui pro nobs in Gehennam defcen- dat : In this life ive have \thofe that will go to the wire for us, and plow for us , and fay Ma!? and pray canonically for us ; but where is there one that will go to Hell for us ? But the Believer (bleffed man that he is) need not fay who will go to Hell for me ? Chrifi was macle a Curfe for him neither need he ask , who will fulfil perfect obedience for me ? Chriff hath done every jot and tittle thereof. The Believer is a man in Chrifi, and fo Rands in the pure robes, woven all of Love and Holinefs , by his Saviour; unlefs the Law can find a fpot or a falfe thread in there, he will be , muff be rerrus in Curia; if the La w offer to hale him down to hell, he will do as Tamar when brought forth to be