'Ma'am ,iraattrj, be burnt , fhew forth the Bracelets and the Signet , the precious blood and merits of Chrift , which God cannot but own , as the price of Redemption and Salvati- on. Secondly, In ¡unification there mull be a Juftifier. It is God that juffifieth and whom t doth he juftifie but the Believer in 7efus unto him he makes over Chrift and his righ- teoufnefs ; unto him he feals an actual par- don and remiflïon ; his fins are covered, never to appear more in their ugly hue; blotted out, never to be read more in their bloody chara- 6tiers ; caff into the depths of the Sea, and who can fetch them up again ? fought for and not found and who can charge them afrefh upon the Believer ? St. Paul would have the debts of Onefimus put upon his account, Philem.v. t 8. The Believers fins do not Rand, as they did at firft, upon his fcore , but upon Chriis , who came to make an end of them. When the fwarms of Flies were upon the Egyptians and not upomthe Ifraelites , the Text faith, God made a divifion ;, or, as it is in the original , A redemption between them, Exod. 8.23. That fwarms of Guilt flie about Unbelievers , and none about Believers , it is becaufe the redemption is between them, on the one hand negleá ed , and on the other applied : We are jultifiedfreely by his grace through the redemp- tion that is in Jefus Chriff Rom 3. 2 4. The Believer is , as I may fay, a part or portion of Chrin, wrapped up in his Righteoufnefc, P2 and 2r1