212 nctiouo fan. and wafhed in his Blood ; an Object all-fair and lovely in the eyes of God, and accepted in the Beloved. Thirdly Juflification relates to the Law , which is norma judicii, the rule of Judgment. A Believer bath wherewithal to anfwer both Laws ; as to the lath of works, he hath Chrifts Righteoufnefs anfwering the demands of it ; as to the law of Grace , he hath Faith anfwering the terms of ir. Do this and live is anfwered by Chrifis Righteoufnefs; Believe and be faved is anfwered by Faith. Chriftus ef impletio legos, f iritus eft impletio Evangelii. Chrif by his pure Obedience fulfilled the Law, the Spirit by working Faith fulfils the Gofpel. If the Believer be charged before God that he is a (inner , he can plead the Righteoufnefs of Chrif, as a full difcharge to the Law. If he be charged , that he is an Unbeliever he can plead his faith as the con - dition of the Gofpel. If he be further char- ged, that his very Faith is imperfect , he can again plead the Righteoufnefs of Chrift a- gainfl thofe imperfections. His imperfect Faith intitles him to the perfect Righteoufnefs of Chrifl; and that perfect righteoufnefs re- moves the imperfections of his faith. Oh ! happy Believer , whom God himfelf may fearch once and again by either Law, and find nothing of condemnation in him. If the Law come to him, it finds Chrifl the end and per- fection of all holinefs there : If the Gofpel come , it finds Faith its own demand and condi-