Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

214 PlecÌOUIW . aítb. of Free-grace and of the Lamb 'will not turn Free-grace off the throne, nor like Zim- ri, flay its Mailer Jefus Chrifi in his merits and imputed ;righteoufnefs , that it may reign in his room, Again, Faith doth not juilitie as . coming in the room of that perfel righteouf- nefs which we owe unto the Law, for God is true, and judgeth according to truth ; he Both not, cannot do as the unjull Steward, who for an hundred meafures of oil bid write fifty, but he accounts of things as they are. Faith, which is but a piece of righteoufnefs, and that very imperfect, will not go with him for a compleat univerfal righteoufnefs, but only for what it is ; neither will it falve the matter to fay, as the Socinians ufe to do , That Faith, though it be not in it felf a perfe4l righteouf- nefs, is yet reckoned as fuch per gratiofam Dei acceptilationem, by the condefcending grace of God ; for in God, in whom there is perfect Unity, one Attribute doth not interfere with mother. Free-grace will not juille out truth, by accepting a partial righteoufnefs for a to- tal, which indeed it is not ; neither doth a divine Attribute ever clafh againft its own defign. Free-grace will not fo accept faith, as to fruftrate its own defign in the Media - tour Jefus Chriil ; which, as appears in Scri- pturea was, that Chq fhould be made our righ- .eoufh?ß, -a Cor. i. 3o. that we might be the righteoufneßo f God in him, 2 Cor. 5. 2 I. that blood may cleanfe us from all fin, i Joh. i. 7. that his obedience might make many righteous, Korn.