ili)lectougi T 5. Korn. 5.19. but what need all this if Faith be accepted for a compleat righteoufnefs ? what room for Chrifis righteoufnefs , as long as Faiths will fuffice ? You will fay perhaps that Chrifi by his merits hath purchafed this of 'God , that faith fhould be accepted for a perie& righteoufnefs ; but if that be fo , then Chrifi died not properly for Perfons but for Graces : arias righteoufnefs was not to cloath poor fouls in , but to advance faith above it fell. Faith is become our immedi- ate, material righteoufnefs, and Chrifi only a remote caufe of it. The Lord Chrifl: walks a foot as a meer fervant to Faith , and the fer- vant Faith rides in his Mailers robes as if it were the very matter of our righteoufnefs ; all which is to fubvert the Gofpel. True Faith will confefs, as John did, I am not the Chrift ; I never was crucified for you; I ne- ver fulfilled all righteoufnes for you ; I am but the Eccho to the Gofpel -grace ; I do but prepare a way in the heart for Chrift and his righteoufnefs , to receive all praife and glory there. Secondly,A$ìrmatively , And here Divines generally exprefs themfelves thus , That we are ju((ifted by faith as an infirument receiving Chrift and his righteoufnefs: Thus Reverend Calvin calls faith ,Inftrumentum juftithe perd- J fl. 1.3. piende : The inftrument of receiving the righ- Ca P.11. teoufneß of Chrifi offered in the Goffiel. Chem- Exam. nitius files it, Manus noftra qua recipimus ea Conc. rri- luæ in Evangelio offeruntur Our hand where- de12t.163. P4 by