216 peciouo faitb by we take the alms offered in the Promife. foci Cam. Mufculus calls it , Medium quo gratiam jujil- de Fiji" fcationis in Chrijio apprehendimus : a Medi- f[ cat. um by which we lay hold on the grace of Jufti- fication in Chrift. Faith is the eye which looks up to the Mercy -feat, the hand which puts on the robe of Chrifis obedience, the ring which bath the Pearl of infinite price in it. Hence we are laid in Scripture to be ¡unified by faith and through faith as it is the means whereby we receive Chrift and his righteoufnefs. And a late Divine fpeaks of a double inflrument in Ju nification; on Gods part the Gofpel is aninf ment, and on mans, Faith : the Gof- pel is manas offerenti, the hand offering , and Faith manas accipientis the hand receiving Chrift and his righteoufnefs. And before him. ta Calvin hath this paífage , Vt juftificemur caufa on Rom. th.3. efrciens eft mifericordia Dei Chri(lus materia, verbum cum fide injtrumentum: In Juftifica- tion the efficient caufe is Gods mercy , Chri fi the matter , the Word with Faith the inflrument. Thus the generality of Divines conclude that we are ¡unified by faith as an inflrument ; neverthelefs fome others exprefs themfelves thus That we are juftified by faith as the condition of the Gofpel. Thus the profeffors of Saumiar in France ; Fide juftificamur non thef Salm. tanquam parte aliquâ juftitie fed tanquam pie 1Klt¡f conditione fcederis gratine : We are jzrftified by faith, notas it is a part of righteoufneß, but as it is the condition of the Covenant of Grace. !tette °d of Thus Learned 'Mr. Woodbridge, 20 believe is