191CCÍOtt Aitij. 2 T 7 is a formal , vital all of the Soul in genere phylico; but the ufé of it in juftification is, to quailifte us paf vely that we may be morally and' orderly capable of being juftifted by God. r though phyfically it be an ad , yet morally it is but a paffive condition, bywhich we are made capable of being juftified according to the order and conftitution of God. Thus worthy Mr. Baxter, Right to Chri ¡t and life being a moral effeli, and conveyed by a moral Confeff. of caufe and way ; that is, by a law of Grace or faitb,295, conditional promife , or gift : therefore the for- mal reafon of faiths intereft in our juftiftcation is, as it is the condition of that promife by us performed ; and its effence or phyfical ail , the acceptance of Chrift and Life j commonly called its inftrumentality ; though it be the reafon why it was chofen and preferred to this office of being the condition of the promife, yet is it but its aptitude to the office , and fo the remote, and, as it were, material .reafon of its intere(t in our ¡unification , and not the formal Rea- to". Touching this matter I fhall offer my thoughts in thefe Propolitions Firft, Faith is not ftrielly and properly the inf rumertt'of Juftification : were it fo, a man might juftitie and forgive himfelf. For ; as Dr. Ames well obferves , as Sacraments are ro erl Gods inítruments fo Faith is proper- Benarme p p Y p Ever. ly mans. Deus nos baptizat & pafcit, non nof- Tom.4. metipfi ; nos credimus in Chriftum non Deus : lib.5 God baptizes and feeds us, not we our felves; we