Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

2 r eCioUo Sep. rwe believe in Chri(f , not God. If then Faith, which is properly mans inftrument , be pro - perly the inftrument of Juflification, a Belie- ver doth no lefs than juftifie himfelf, which is harfh do&rine to me. Again, When we are faid to be ¡unified by Faith , I fuppofe the Scripture doth not intend the tranfìent ad, but the permanent habit ; and if fo , I can- not conceive how that can be properly, fidd- ly an Inftrument. InJtrumenti caufalitas eft in ufu applicatione; when it is not in ufe and ad, it ceafes to be an inftrument. The habit of faith is an habit frill , even when its ad ceafes ; but when its ad ceafes,,what bath it of inftrumentality. Secondly, Faith, though not properly , may yet in force fence be called an Inífrument , be- caute i hath a peculiar aptitude and recepti- vity to accept of the free -gift made in the Gofpel. Hence we are faid by it to receive eßcs Chrift,'Col. 2.6. to receive the atonement, Rom. 5.11. to receive the gift- of righteoufzeß, Rot-n.5.17. to receive forgiuenef? of fins, As 26. iS. It hath a choice.capacity to take in Chrift with all his benefits. Thirdly, The proper formal real n, why we are juftified by Faith is, becaufe it it the con- dition -of the Gofpel on nbich God, the Great Donor , gives out Chri/t ;with all his bleffings. We are not ¡unified by faith, as for any rea- fon intrinfecal , or in the nature of it, but as it doth inright and inflate us into Chrift and his righteoufnefs ; and how is that done ? the