Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

1 cciouo Faith., the old Law -rule mutt be remembred , 1/o- luntas donatoris obfervetur : the Donors Will is the belt guide ; and what is that in this cafe ? Clearly in the Gofpel Chrifi and his righte- oufncfs are given upon the condition of faith. Bellarmine afferting , that it did not pleafe God to give juftification upon the condition of faith alone : Dr. Ames anfwers him , Vel Bell. Eve. maxima placuit hoc Deo : It pleafed him alto- rum, gether. We muff take as God gives. God in Tmn.4 the great charter gives out Chrift and his lib.5. righteoúfnefs, upon the condition of faith : Faith therefore inflates and inrights us into thefe as it is the condition of that grant. And byconfequence we are ju(tified by it as fueh, ás when a Prince grants a pardon , upon con- dition the Traitor take it from him with his own hands ; his taking it gives impunity, not becaufe of the organical apprehenfivenefs in the hand, but becaufe it is the modus dona- tionis the pardon runs upon thofe terms. So, when God grants juftification upon con- dition of believing , we are juftified by faith ; not becaufe of its intrinfecal receptivity or ap- prehenfivenefs, but becaufe that faith, which Rands in the Gofpel as the condition of jufti- fication, is found in the heart. Thus much touching the manner, how this holy fruit grows upon faith. Thirdly, The next thing confiderable is the continuance of this holy fruit. Juftifìcation is a flower of Paradice which never dies ; once jutfified , and ever juflified. The righ- teouf-