220 191CCiato , aítí). teoufnefs of God, which is put upon the Be- liever , is never taken off again. The par - don, which is fealed in the Court of heaven, is never reverfed. The cloud of Guiltinefs , once fcattered, never gathers together. The Camb. E- fins cart into the depth of Sea, never come up 384. more. When the Jefuite ChreiCion, taken at Sea, tore and threw over -board certain papers r -y of dangerous confequence , the torn pieces were by the wind blown back again into the Ship, and afterwards artificially put together, difcovered the Popifh defign then on foot : but when God calls our fins into the depth of the Sea , all the breath of the infernal Spirits can never blow them up again, they {hall be remembred no more. All things in Juflification concur to make this good. Free - grace , which is the firft mover in it, is a fountain ever flowing, and a Sun which knows no going down. The Righteoufnefs of Chrift, which is the matter of it , is a robe which can never wear our. The Gofpel , which is the Charter of it is a grant never out of date. Faith, which is the Medium to it, will, under the divine influences ftirring up the nett of gracious principles , bud and bloffom forth in frefh ads , and when the alts ceafe, it abides in the root, kept alive by the eternal Spirit breathed from the endlefs life of Merit in Chrift: All which make the righteous man ari everlafting foundation ; only here is a , uære to be refolved. r C/ Do not Believers fall into fin ? and Both Rat