Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

zectouo 5attjj. 221 not fin make a breach upon Juffi6cation ? and if fo, how cloth it continue ? I Anfwer, The fins of Believers are either ., fins of meer infirmity , and daily incurfion, Y or fins of grofs enormity, and confcience- waífing;fuch as David: Murther and Adultery, and Peters denial of his Mailer : the firft fort of thefe through the rich grace of the Gofpel are pardoned , as I may fo fay, ofcourfe, and fo make no breach at all upon juftification : Non De peccato excludunt fideles à favore Dei,& à f e regni corle- mortal1 fix : They exclude not Believers from the favour veniali. of God, nor from the hope of the heavenly king- dom faith that eminent Divine Robert Baro- nias. God, fuch is his infinite mercy, doth not impute thefe to them. Hence he bears witnefs of David That he did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord and turned not afide from any thing that he commanded him all the claies of his life , fave only in the matter of Uriáh , r Kings 15. 5. Infirmities are not reckoned ; the matter of Uriah is the only exception : The latter fort of fins in Believers are grofs enormous ones ; touch- ing thefe our famous Divines at the Synod of Dort fay, that thefe are not pardoned to the Believer , till he per excitatam fidem & per- nitentiam veniam irnpenetraverit : obtain re- mifon by a renewed a61 of faith and repen- tance. His univerfal juftification is not fru- firated , and yet , till he renew his faith and repentance , his particular fin is not par- doned ; his right to the Kingdom of heaven is