Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

Pzcctouo Saft j. is not taken away, but only his aptitude. Juts as the Leper, who whilfi his leprofie was on him had a right to his houfe, but not a fit - nefs till his purgation. The feeds of faith and repentance are in him , but they muff be Wells of üirred up, into fretlì ads. Dr. Spurftowe salvation, faith that a Believer under fuch fin may not pag,i84. immediately lay hold on the promife of For- givenefs , until he firfi renew his repen- tance ; till then to lay hold on the Promi- fes , is not faith but prefumption. Faith al- waies proceeds according to Gods method and that is, to give out pardon upon repen- tance. God tirfi hears Ephraim bemoaning himfelf and then remembers him with mercy, Treati fe of Jer. 3 x.18. Mr. Burgefl conceives, That a Believer under fuch a fin , without renewed re- trcn. pentance is under an a6tual guilt obliging him to eternal wrath : ieeither can he fay 5 My God and My Chrift. For mine own part, I conceive that fuch grofs fins , being the plain merits of eternal wrath , do flab the Believer at the very heart , and leave an hellifh fling upon the Confcience. They lie as a dog at the ddor, ready to tear out his throat, and do, as it were, thruft off his Soul from Chrifl and Grace. They very much weaken the habits of faith, and other graces , fo that thefe languifh and are ready to die. Such difmal effets as thefe made David roar all the day, and cry out of bro- ken bones ; and Peter go out and weep bit- terly, judging and condemning himfeif for his