pt¢tÍOUo , riítb. 223 his foul denial of Chrift , Pr:Co:64 Umue Mark 14.72. which we tranflate ; he thought thereon and wept ; but others render it , ob- velavit fe , he covered his head and wept : As a condemned Malefa6for he vailed his face in the fenfe of that fin which deferved no lefs than eternal death. Such fins make Be- lievers in their return to their 'Father , ac- knowledge , as the Prodigal did , that they are unworthy to be called the Sons of God. Neverthelefs fuch grofs fins of Believers are, as I take it, pardoned as foon as committed, even before actual faith and repentance re- newed ; I fay before aiival faith , for the habit of faith is Rill in the believer ; I fay, before repentance renewed afterwards, for the believer in the very commiflion of a known, fin hath a kind of repentance ; there is fome , renifus voluntatis ; the regenerate part op- pofes it; the fpirit lufleth againft the flail. Cum peccant , eat tantitm parte, quit non funt regeniti peccant , fecundum veró interiorem partem nolunt, detefantúr peccatum, ergònon plena voluntatate peccant: thus Learned Zan- Epiffo cloy. My grounds , why fuch grofs fins of paz, 114 believers are pardoned before the fubfe- quent as of Faith and Repentance , are thefe : Firft The conceffions of the above - named worthy Divines induce me to it. They fay , the Believer, notwithflanding fuch fins , is fill in a Rate of juftitication; and I fee not , how the guilt of one fin unpar-