224 p ccíouo , aíti. unpardoned , which obliges him to eternal wrath , can pof ibly confift with a juftified fate. Juffiftcatio nullum locum relinquit con- demnations : They fay, he hath a right to the kingdom of heaven , and I cannot imagine how an obnoxioufnefs to wrath refulting from one unpardoned fin can fimul & femel, fiand with a right to heaven : They fay , the holy feed of regeneration abides in him Rill, and I believe regeneration and condemnation cannot be together. Secondly, The Scripture- expre(iions are very pregnant: The Believer, notwithftand- ing fuch fins, is a believer fill ; and whilft fuch (hall not come into condemnation , Joh. 5. 2 4. He is a man in Chrift , and to fuch there is no condemnation , , Rom. 8. r. Neither, do the fubfequent words hinder , who walk, not after the ffeph ; for thofe , as I conceive, intend not a ftep or a partienlar aft of fin , but a walk and general trade of it, fuch as never is found in a believer; there is no condemnation to fuch. The Apofile xß,. ne- faith not , that there is nihil condemuabile; ®t, de per- but there is, nulla condemnatio , faith Span - fevertn- hemiui. He faith not, there is nothing dam- . atiâ. nable in the believer , for fin in it felt is al- waies fuch ; but there is no condemnation , for the pardon keeps the guilt from redoun- ding upon the perfon ; becaufe he is a mem- ber of Chrift , the believer notwithftanding fuch fins , is a Son Rill ; and if a fon, then an heir, Rom. 8. 17. and if a fon , then a- biding