Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

Plecíouo foít. biding in the houfe for ever, Joh.. S. 35. He hath bill a Well of water in him fJiringing up to life evérlaffing, Joh. 4. 14. And where the fpirit of Chrift is fuch a Well there the Blood of Chrift is a laver cleanfing away all fin. Thirdly, It is confiderabre what the Scri- pture means, when it faith, that we are jujti- fied by faith; doth it mean the ad of faith, or the habit ? if the ad , there fëem to be as many intercifions in juftification , as there are ceffations in the ad of faith ; upon which account I fùppofe that the vinculum unto - nis, the bond of Union whereby the Believer is knit unto Chrift , is not a tranfient thing, fuch as the ad of faithris , but a permanent one, fuch as the habit ; if then the habit be the thing, that abides in the believer,.notwith- banding his fin. Fourthly, It is to very momentous, that though fins of infirmity and enormity differ in proportion as much as Gnats and Camels, yet the leaft of them deferves condemnation as well as the greateft , and the greateft of them may have pardon in the very fame way as the leaf. There are not in the Gofpel two difiinó waies appointed for pardon; one way for the pardon of infirmities , and ano- ther way for the pardon of grols fins : but there is one undivided way of faith and re- pentance appointed for both. Which being fo,'it follows , that, if the believers grofs fins be not forgiven till after atual faith and ',repentance , then neither are his infirmities ( for..- 225