226 plecíouO aítb. forgiven till then ; and by confequence the believer cannot continue juffified no not for a minute ; the multitudes of infirmities,which are ever fwarming in him , would put him into a Rate of death every moment. Nay, Atone but as worthy Mr. Wall hath well obferved , in Chrifi, ieiu mortis , in the very Taft ftroak of death pag.322. he may perifh, unlefs the laft operation of his fpirit be actual faith and repentance. Thefe things perfwade me, that the rofs fins of believers are at leafl in Tome lenfe pardoned before their freíh ads of faith, and repentance ; touching which Divines fpeak :. varioufly. Mr. Baxter faith, That Believers Len. 118. as lb on a they fin have an irnperfec pardon, on the 5,. though not plenary. Mr. Hilderfham faith , '7falm They have a pardon upon record in heaven; but not the comfort of it till by faith and repentance they fue it out, and be able toPhew and plead it in the Court of their own Confci- r ence. Mr. Burroughs faith , When any Soul f is taken into Chri(l , it bath not only all the Ref. p,6ii.. fns it bath committed pardoned, but there is a pardon laid in for all fins to come : there 3`# is no inftant, of time wherein it can be Paid, that the Believer is under condemnation. What is the apteft exprefon, I [hall not contend , but I conceive fuch fins in be- lievers are in fotne fort pardoned before their frefh ads of faith and repentance. Neither doth this open a gap to licentioufnefs , 'for it concerns only Believers , whom the flings of Confcience , eclipfcs of Gods "face, Ian- guors