1P1ecíouo Pitt. guors of inward graces , and foul blots upon their Evidences to heaven , will under the influences of the Spirit preis to fresh aCts of faith and repentance , as to duties very oecelfary and incumbent upon them. Thus much of the continuance of this holy fruit. Fourthly The fourth thing confiderable is the perfeaion of it : This holy fruit is ices ver fully ripe till the day of Judgment. Re- pent that your fins may be blotted out when the times of refrefhing fhall come from the pre- fence of the Lord, faith St. Peter, Acts 3. i9. The day of Judgment is to a believer a time of refreíhing : then there will be no more fcorches from the fiery Law , no more flings from the old Serpent , no more guilt in- flaming fhe Confcience, no more frowns from the holy God; but a .pure, fweet refrigera- tion breathed out from his gracious prefence. Caffiar Olevian, in his IA ficknefs, was in in- Melch.4.. effable joyes , fo that he feemed to be in dam in vi prato elegantiffimo rore perfufus colef i : in a ra ejru moft fweet meadow, with an heavenly dew diftilling down upon him. Such reviving re- frigerations believers have fometimes here ; much more tranfcendent will their divine re- frelhments be at the la{i day. The top - flone of Jullification {hall be then laid on to make it compleat, as may appear by the enfu- ing Considerations. Pirft , Here the Believer is juflifed pri- vately by the Gofpel , but then he ihuil be CZz j1) Rifled 227