Pzecíauo San. 229 Secondly, Here the Believer (lands juflified, but in the midfl of briers and thorns ; re- maining Corruptions vex and tear his righ- teous foul from day to day. He is in .the Land of Promife , but the Canaanite is not quite driven out; the reliques of Sin inmates in the fame heart with grace , like the Liers in wait for Samfon, are ready to make an affault upon him. Hence the jewifh Dotors fay , That God calls no man Saint, or Holy, till he be dead and in the 'grave ; becaufe y- 1rl the concupifcential frame is not .quite out of him before death , but at that day there (hall be nihil damnabile remaining in him. Sin (hall be no more : no More tumors of Pride ; no more boilings up of Concupifcence; no more fpots or wrinckles, or dark ( hades of Infirmity ; nothing but pure, fpotlefs Ho- linefs. Infomuch that Divines fay, that from henceforth our ju( cation (hall be in another way than by imputed Righteoufnefs; becaufe having perfe& inherent Righteoufnefs in our felves we (hall need no covering. If the A- poltle fay of a Believer , that, chAccefarl u, he is juftified from his fins, in refpea of SanHifica- tion begun, Rom. 6.7. how much more will it be true when Sin (hall be no more. Thirdly, Here the Believer is Juftified, but the duff of mortality hangs about him. It may be there is a Stone ready to drop into the Bladder; or an Impoi hume ready to break in the Head ; Mors_ látet in mediis abdit4 v f eribus , in one part of the body or other Q, 3 Death