230 Ip2¢CtO110 j ttíj. Death is preparing his arrow upon the firing, to [hoot man down from the perch of this life into the grave. But at that day there ,, [hall be nihil corruptibile; Death [hall be no more ; Difeafes, which ufe to found an alarum to it, [hall be utterly removed ; Tears, which are Natures pay to Sorrows , [hall be all wiped off; the corruptible [hall put on in- corruption ; Mortality [hall be fwallowed up of Life. This is a day of redemption in- deed. Fourthly, Here the Believer is Jufiified, but his comfort is not alwaies the fame. Now the light of Gods Countenance breaks out like a clear Sun upon him , and anon there is a fad eclipfe leaving him in darknefs ; one day a banquet of heavenly Comforts is let down in- to his heart, and another all is drawn up into heaven again. His Evidences may be blurred; Satan may hold up his pardoned Sins, as it were, in their old guilt; the Arrows of God may flick fall in him, and bring qualms and lick -fits upon his Confcience : But at that day his Comforts [hall be unvariable; a nightlefs Day, and a cloudlefs Horizon ; an eternal feafi uron God and all things in him; his Evidences all clear;and,aftccr but this once [hewing forth, an everlafling poffefiion of the expe&ed Hap - pinefs. The Accufer, Satan, [hall be ftruck dumb at the bleffed fentence of pardon and aQceptance pronounced by God before Men and Angels. God [hall never frown or wound him any more, but wrap him up in the arms of