Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

pleciouo BM.). of endlefs love and joy. This will be a day of refrefhing indeed. Thus much of the perfeCion of this holy fruit. Fifthly The laft thing is the excellency of it. God himfelf writes upon the Juftified, ® f a.ks ivis, the BlefJed one: Bleed is he whofe tranfgreffion is forgiven, whofe fin is covered, Pal.3 2.1. or, as the original,Ble dnefres is he : there is not one fingle Happinefs, but a clufter of Beatitudes in this eftate. Some of thefe I shall gather off from this Vine. Firf, The JuJ iced pert n bath God for his God: thefe two I will be merciful to their unrighteoufnefs , and , I will be their God Rand in conjuneIion in the Covenant of Grace, Hebr.8. t o,and 12 verfes. God (fay the Jemifh Rabbins) bath the key of the Womb, the key of the Grave the key of the Rain , and the key of the Heart; all that is in the Creation is at his difpofe. The Juftifìed man hath,as I may fay, a key into God himfelf. He may unlock in- finite Treafures , and fay, Thefe everlafting Arms , which bear up the World , are mine for protection : Thefe All- feeing Eyes, which guide every wheel in Nature, are mine for direction : Thefe immenfe Bowels , which cover all the Creation, embrace and fold me up in fpecial Love : Thofè two all- compri- zing words, My God, are in truth utterable by none but fuch as he is. God is called, the God of Abraham, Ifaack, and Jacob. Cujus omnes gentes flint , quafi trium hominuria Deus eßet, Q, 4 faith