Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

2 3 2%ccíouo ,aít4. faith St.Auffine : as if the Great Lord of all things were appropriated to thofe three Men. Such honour have all Juftified ones : God is their own, and to make this Pure , they have bonds and bills under Gods own hand; they can in one Promife thew a title to his Power, and in another to his Mercy, and in a third to his Wifdom; and in that, I will be their God. They can lay a juft claim to all that is in him, which, what it amounts unto, is more than the tongue of Men and Angels can exprefs. Secondly, The Juftifted perfon bath Chrifffir bis own. When the covetous King of Egypt built an houfe for his great Treafures , the cunning Architect left a look Stone in the building, that fo he might have free accefs thereinto: What entrance he had by craft into the Egyptian Treafures , that Juftifìed perlons have by a fair grant into all the unfearchable riches of Chrift , Merit, Spirit, Life, Death, Righteoufnefs, Redemption, .Fulnefs, Glory all that is in Chrifi is their own. If his Righ- teoufnefs can Rand before God , fo will they : If his Blood can wafh away fin , they fhall be without fpol or wrinckle at the Great day : If his glorious over - meafure of the Spirit can- not fail, no more will their fupplies of Grace: If he afcended up into Heaven , it was to pre- pare a place for them : If he make Intercetlion above, they muft have accefs to the Throne of Grace:If he fit at theRight-hand of Power and Majefty, all their enemies mull be made their foot- fklool.Oh ! infinite enjoyment ;Eye bath not feen,