Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

1pleciouo ,raitb. 2 33 feen , nor Ear heard neither can it enter into mans heart, what the total fum of this is. Thirdly, The Ju(fified man bath a rare pri.. viledge in his Holy duties. He hath afliflance from, accefs unto, and acceptance with the great God in thefe. He hath afliftance from him. Whileft he Rands offering up holy Ser- vices , fire comes down from heaven upon the Sacrifice. The Holy Spirit inflames his heart towards God ; opening it in Hearing, melting it in Alms, and pouring it out in Prayer : So that in fome fence he offers up his Duties , as Chrift did himfelf, through the eternal Spirit, enlivening and impowering him thereunto. His voyage to Heaven lies through a tray of various Duties ; but it never fares with him in thefe, as it did with Sir Hugh Willoughby,t.. in his Voyage to Mofeovy, in which he was by extream Frofts frozen to death. The warm influences of Grace keep him from freezing in this divine enterprize. His heart , which feeks the Lord in his waies , fhall Iive ; and to make it fure, our Saviour fares exprelly, becaufe I live, ye fhall live alfo, Joh. 14. I. His life is hid with Chriff. As long as Chrift the Head is alive above, the Members below fhall never fail of quickening grace in their addreffes to God. Again , he bath accefs unto God in them: A man under guilt cannot approach unto God, no more than fallen Origen, calling his eye upon that of the Pia !m , What ha) thou to do to declare my` Word