Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

234 p EctOao ,raítb. Word ? could tell how to Preach ; but the Juflified Irian may draw near unto him , be- caufe his heart it f#rinckled from an evil Con - feience. The guilt , which would have made him íhie of God , is done away in Chrifls blood. W hil.ft others are but in the outward Court, in the opus operatum , the work done, he may enter into the Holy of Holies, into communion with God ; the Holy Spirit con- duds him thither through the vail of Chrifis fleíh. Moreover , which is the crown of all , he bath acceptance with God. God had repel to Abel , and to his offering Gen. 4.4. fuch a refpef as to bear witnefs to his righteoufnefs by fome vifible fign , as fire from heaven confuming the Sacrifice. The juflifìed man is in his meafure as Daniel , a man of Defires, and as the Bleffed Virgin, gra- ced or highly favoured. His Prayers make me- lody in heaven ; his Alms are the favour of a fweet-finell ; he Both not lofe fo much as a cup of cold water nor Phut a door of fenfe againft an approaching Temptation in vain. There -is,a weil- pleaiingnefs in all his Services, as being ùfhered forth from the heart into the hand of the Mediatour and there richly per- fumed for the Father; though, as they lie in our hearts, there be much fmoak and mixture of weaknefs in them , yet as they are in the hand of Chritl they are glorified duties, acceptable to God throngh lefts Cbriff. Fourthly,